Friday, March 07, 2008


ok shall post about yesterday's outing with jas,jq,ss,val haha..

we finally decided to go to suntec at the end of the lock-up after chem spa and we already decided before tat to go eat swensen's student meal.. but then when we reach thr it was only 1 sth! n we r so hungry, but no choice student's meal starts at 2.30pm so we pei jas go look for phone, n strolled for bout 1hr before we could finally fill our poor growling stomachs.. jas,jq,ss n me ordered ice-creams except val. who ordered bake rice.. we soon regretted ordering ice-creams.. cos we were alr v.full by the time we finish our 1st ice-cream! but still managed to stuff them in.. then we did sth real fun, which is gross factor LOL.. we poured da melted ice-cream, salt, chilli, tomato sauce, pepper n water into a cup n started playin zhong ji mi ma.. n i muz admit tat i super suay de, tio 3times zzz.. tat thing tasted lyk sour plum juice except tat there's the taste of chilli.. eeew.. after tat went to walk 3times around the fountain of wealth.. n jas,jq n ss got wet n ss got so uptight she chiong to the toliet immediately haha.. so continued walking around n then we came up with the idea of having a click stuff, but after much deletion of stuffs frm our list, we came down to coloured cntact lens but it's still not a confirmed thing yet.. && ss n jq did sth v.erm.. ok they actually hold hands n swing their arms in public! zzz..

oh wow wat a duper long post haha! i hate being sandwiched, can we fix back all the broken pieces?

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