Friday, November 21, 2008


hey yeah im here to blog about the 3 days at TPRAWKS! it sure was fun =) The PLs n CLs there were friendly n enthu haha. 1st day went visited the applied science sch, it was ok as im not really interested in applied sci. Got to learn the TP mass dance later in the evening it was fun alright seeing the whole grp of ppl dancing together. So 1st day was fun.

Now 2nd day was more fun. Went visited the business sch n got to see a tv n radio studio n got to know wat goes on in a tv n radio studio. got to learn some hip hop moves later in the afternoon n was fun though i couldnt really get the beat n moves right. dragon boating @ bedok reservoir right up next n i didnt really expect to get tat wet in the extent of gettin wet frm head to toe cos we were like splashin ppl in other boats wif buckets of water n usin the paddles. the boat im sittin in is like flooded so had to clear the water out. i tink the ppl in my boat is the worst off in gettin drenched others were like not drippin wet lo. changed into fresh new clothes after tat n it's mass dance again. whew wat a tiring day it was.

3rd day was like the most fun. got to visit design sch which im interested in n see the works of the students there. daren tan tat project superstar guy came oso not to sing but promotin a show called s'pore ok. den gurmit singh came oso n we got to experience the game show dont forget the lyrics. there's the jam n hop at nite oso where diff s'pore bands came to perform, n the ppl there were like damn 'high' jumpin n screamin, it was deafening. tiring day oso wif my leg achin frm standin n jumpin.

tat's all about TPRAWKS! n im in groovy orange yay haha. psst.. sry cch guys but da guys thr'r cooler n cuter then u all r ;)

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