Tuesday, March 02, 2010

It's the holidays~~!

It feels soooooo gooood to be back on the net :) im dying of boredom without fb n youtube..

Firstly, most importantly, my home's internet connection finally got fixed!!! Like finally, after 1 week without the internet, im going bored like crazy. And so 2 days after my exam, i found a data entry job at a market research company, earning $6/hr. Though it's a boring job, but it's easy money earned, just sit in air-con office and type type type, and i can imagine the money flying into my pocket every hour haha :P

Secondly, im superbly elated and excited cos they finally fulfilled their promise! :) im going out if S'pore this holiday~! Whee~ Korea here I come! :D Hope i can see the cherry blossoms in full bloom ;) Leaving s'pore on 28March night, be back in 8days time.

Thirdly, xiaogui is finally coming to s'pore whee~! im gonna go his qian chang hui next fri. it's gonna be my 1st time going to a qian chang hui haha, hope got someone can pei me (jingyi hope u can get someone to cover ur job)

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