Friday, October 09, 2009

CMC 1T01 Chalet!

im back from the 1st 1T01 class chalet! though it's called 'class chalet' but not even half the class attended the bbq and only 7 people stayed over, sad case, but i still enjoyed my 1 night stay ^^ guess how much money we spent on bbq stuffs and food? well... it's about $170++! pro right! only 9 people eating the food (which was mostly tibits haha we're afraid of getting hungry in the middle of the night).. after a hard time of setting up the fire and finishing our bbq dinner, we started playing card games incl. 'monopoly deal' and 'tai di' and gossiping too to keep us awake throughout the night. and we wanted to catch the moment of sunrise but due to miscalculations of the timing, we missed it =( but, the morning sea/park//beach (i dunno lah) scenery was nice =) due to the lack of sleep last night, after bathing, everyone went for a quick nap before checking out. in the end, we ended up eating brunch, and after brunch we went to the arcade at white sands, and wow we play until v.'high' sia, like the sleepiness gone like that.

awww~ im gonna miss 1T01... ... :(

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