Sunday, October 04, 2009


yep we intended to surprise jiamin on her bday, but in the end i think it didnt really work out haha.. in the morning, weewee and huimin went to surprise the bday girl at her doorstep but it appeared that jiamin spotted weewee at the door before they could actually shout 'surprise!' and sing a bday song for her haha.. then they were to meet me, joanna and sherrill at marina square, yuki yaki.. and we intended to jump out from a hidden corner outside yuki yaki and surprise her, but it failed again cos they walked from behind us lol.. though it's not my 1st time eating yuki yaki but it's my 1st time eating the DIY ice cream and it's so fun haha! we were like making popiah, mee jian kuei like that lol..

after a very full lunch, we went to ah bob lao shi's photo exhibition at Old School 2902 Gallery (it's near doby ghaut la).. really nice photo works :)

next we're off to bugis for a shopping spree, but it was mostly jiamin who did the shopping lol.. but i also got 'shou1 huo4' ok! we bought our 1st clique tee yay haha! it's a tee with the word 'emo' printed in front.. we're planning to wear it to sch together on the 1st day of sem2 cos we're feeling very 'emo' that we 'fen1 ban1' le! haha jkjk.. i wonder how the others would react when they see us wearing the same tee haha! ;P

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