Sunday, November 01, 2009

2 weeks into 2nd sem

it's been 2 weeks since school reopened, and im just starting to get busy in school. Projects coming up, individual assignments and extra events that i volunteered to participate in as helpers (because of cca points la duh~!), it's gonna be a busy month.

well, web design is interesting but dreamweaver is complicated, let's just hope that i can master dreamweaver, and maybe i can design my own blogskin next time :) Next, radio production is interesting, so far i've learnt how to use audacity to edit audios. it's not difficult learning how to use this software but the process of editing is tiring and it requires lots of patience 'cos you've to listen and listen to the same thing again and again then find the right place to cut it. At the end of the day, that person's voice will just keep repeating in your head. Besides that, i've learnt that my voice does sound different when in recordings, but i find it ok. the teacher said we must learn to like our own voice, before wanting our listeners to like our voices. I shall start liking my voice from now =)

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