Wednesday, October 21, 2009


hais... 开学的第二天就遇到了不如意的事,我在学校跌倒了,结果扭伤了脚。都是因为我没有留意到那个死人路堤,结果失足就扭到了。:( 现在不怎么痛了,但还是有点肿。唔~ 伤心... ...

今天除了走路一拐一拐的,都过的蛮愉快的。刚才下午的时候,在UniSIM庆祝了Sherrill的生日。嘉敏可说是很细心而且也有耐性,因为她花了两个多小时包礼物,而且是用tissue box 和报纸来包。报纸就包了十七层!她说因为十七岁生日嘛!我们就在那里看Sherrill一直一层一层的斯开报纸,结果我们看了都觉得:哇!怎么还没看到礼物啊?!这时Joanna 就说:“哎呀!你应该给 Hui Si 斯嘛,因为她很‘会斯’!” 我们听了都笑翻了!

过后,下一节课我们迟到了大概十五分钟,不过那老师自己说准许我们迟到的!因为刚才午休时间,他和一些T02的同学一起吃午餐,然后叫他们跟我们几个T03的说。其实,也不知道他是不是在开玩笑 lol.. 他是我们这学期的Written communication in English(WRITC) 的老师,所以才跟我们见一次面就要和我们一起共餐了,未免太friendly了吧。可能他只是想要和我们拉进距离吧。

说到WRITC,就让我想起大概也有一年没有上英文课了吧,所以现在要加把劲。现在只剩web design 和 radio production 了,还蛮期待会从中学到什么。

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

<3 square design/prints/pattern

i've decided on something. that is to write in both chinese and english in this blog haha! well, that is to say, i write in english for this post, then i'll write in chinese for the next post. great idea in training to become a bilingual person eh haha ;P

back to topic, I'M IN LOVE WITH SQUARE DESIGN/PATTERN/PRINTS (whatever you call it)!!! yep, i like my shirts/pants/shoes/bags with squares :) heheh i very happy that i just bought a backpack with my fav squares, also bought a necklace and a bracelet, suteki desu! :)

Friday, October 09, 2009

CMC 1T01 Chalet!

im back from the 1st 1T01 class chalet! though it's called 'class chalet' but not even half the class attended the bbq and only 7 people stayed over, sad case, but i still enjoyed my 1 night stay ^^ guess how much money we spent on bbq stuffs and food? well... it's about $170++! pro right! only 9 people eating the food (which was mostly tibits haha we're afraid of getting hungry in the middle of the night).. after a hard time of setting up the fire and finishing our bbq dinner, we started playing card games incl. 'monopoly deal' and 'tai di' and gossiping too to keep us awake throughout the night. and we wanted to catch the moment of sunrise but due to miscalculations of the timing, we missed it =( but, the morning sea/park//beach (i dunno lah) scenery was nice =) due to the lack of sleep last night, after bathing, everyone went for a quick nap before checking out. in the end, we ended up eating brunch, and after brunch we went to the arcade at white sands, and wow we play until v.'high' sia, like the sleepiness gone like that.

awww~ im gonna miss 1T01... ... :(

Sunday, October 04, 2009


yep we intended to surprise jiamin on her bday, but in the end i think it didnt really work out haha.. in the morning, weewee and huimin went to surprise the bday girl at her doorstep but it appeared that jiamin spotted weewee at the door before they could actually shout 'surprise!' and sing a bday song for her haha.. then they were to meet me, joanna and sherrill at marina square, yuki yaki.. and we intended to jump out from a hidden corner outside yuki yaki and surprise her, but it failed again cos they walked from behind us lol.. though it's not my 1st time eating yuki yaki but it's my 1st time eating the DIY ice cream and it's so fun haha! we were like making popiah, mee jian kuei like that lol..

after a very full lunch, we went to ah bob lao shi's photo exhibition at Old School 2902 Gallery (it's near doby ghaut la).. really nice photo works :)

next we're off to bugis for a shopping spree, but it was mostly jiamin who did the shopping lol.. but i also got 'shou1 huo4' ok! we bought our 1st clique tee yay haha! it's a tee with the word 'emo' printed in front.. we're planning to wear it to sch together on the 1st day of sem2 cos we're feeling very 'emo' that we 'fen1 ban1' le! haha jkjk.. i wonder how the others would react when they see us wearing the same tee haha! ;P