Wednesday, December 30, 2009


昨天中午因参加guides camp而回到中正,就有那种很熟悉的感觉,好像中学时的往事都浮现在眼前。原来我是有这么的想念中正,毕竟应该有一年没回来了吧。而且,又见到好久不见的fellow guides感觉很亲切。虽然是很累(因为 juniors nightwalk 时人手短缺,而且 guides 第一次和 NCC 合办 nightwalk,就在沟通上也出了点小问题,所以就帮忙,结果呆到凌晨4点才睡),但是还是玩得很开心(因为我们在旁吓人嘛哈哈!)。不过我发现时代真的变了,以前 nightwalk 我们都没有选择,我们就一定得参加,现在有些 juniors 他们怕,就在还没开始走就已经退出了,有些第一个 station 就放弃了。

现在就说说中正的变化,篮球场和排球场都拆了,即将重建,D&T block 也在装修,lockers 都换新的了,椅子也是换成全塑料的,桌子也盖了个 plastic cover 好像是要防止学生在桌上涂鸦。 最酷的是学校将采用用 fingerprint 的那种 security machine 来纪录学生的出席率!


昨天在去 guides camp 之前,radio production 老师带我们到mediacorp radio station 参观,我觉得整个感觉蛮酷的,可以现场看 DJ 在值班。所以呢,昨天看到了 958DJ 德明、933DJ Jia Fa、987DJ shan wee,daniel ong,justin ang,mr young,还有一个女的,可是我认不出她是谁 =X 最后,谢谢老师请我们喝饮料! =D

Thursday, December 24, 2009



So these are the happenings during this xmas season XD

firstly, went to sing K with T03 peeps at katong there cos it's cheap compared to kbox? that's what they said, i never went sing k before so i don't really know.. well, im kinda shy when im in there, didn't really sang alot of songs, about 3 songs in total? but it's ok it's fun to hear them sing too, it's the experience that i want haha, maybe the next time i'll fang4 kai1 yi1 dian3? after k-ing, went bugis to meet up with secondary sch clique. yeah, seriously long time no see and so we went for dinner and had a little chat after that. we decided to meet up again the next day for gift exchange and also we went cycling at ECP. woohoo it's tiring but fun, im so proud of myself for cycling from ECP to Changi Beach (it's about 20km? o.o).. oh oh and i find that my cycling skills did improve haha! i can start my bike without much restarting and im much stable when cycling too hehheh :D well most importantly, we got to know how we're doing recently.

secondly, it's the T03 xmas dinner + gift exchange woohoo~! nice dinner indeed with butter crabs and chilli crabs and black pepper crabs... ... haha! after a delicious meal, we went arcade-ing and pool-ing. yeah, i found out that my pool skills didn't improve at all, no strength, miss aiming balls... but nevermind, i still had fun! lazy post photos here, so if want check out the photos? go fb and see haha..

lastly, the upcoming Cute Means Cute (it means CMC la haha ;D) xmas dinner~! qi dai-ing~! XD

oh and and im going back cchms next week haha, so long never go back liao, i miss my sch so much =X yeah, going back for guides camp, going to meet up with those old guides mates and jr., it's gonna be fun i suppose :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CMC T03 ‘穿校服去NP’日!

哈哈!真的是很好玩的一天!我们一班说好一起穿旧校服去学校 for fun。当然拍了很多照片来做纪念。刚才written comm 的课最好笑,我们一整班16个人排好队,然后手牵手走进课室。当然,老师看傻了眼哈哈!然后,还真的像是在中学时向老师‘起立’,‘行礼’,哈哈老师也超配合的啦!

Friday, December 11, 2009

late for school...

Yes, as the title stated, I was late for school this morning. It's my 1st time being late lor =( I didn't do it purposely, I just forgot that lesson was supposed to start at 10am, I thought it was 11am. I must thank jia min for telling me that lesson start at 10, if not I'll be an hour late and not half and hour. I was eating breakfast in front of my mac, checking facebook, and it was 9 at that time. Luckily, i commented on facebook and she got me enlightened that lesson is not at 11. Lol, I rushed out immediately and it was 9.20. That explains why I reached school only at 10.30. Malu manz~ *sigh*

Wednesday, December 02, 2009




2009年对我来说可以说是非常精彩的一年,因为我第一次有机会踏近摄影棚、有机会参加不同的media related events、学到了许多和媒体相关的知识,而且也认识了一群非常可爱的朋友和同学[哈哈,因为Cute Means Cute (CMC) 嘛~]。我真的真的没有后悔进这个课系。

今天整个CMC去了Asian Civilisation Museum 听一个有关于中国电影的seminar,是请到了两位中国的导演。其实,有大部分时间我不是很明白他在说什么,因为我对中华电影不是很了解,所以对我来说是蛮闷的。不过,因为听完了seminar老师要我们写关于这seminar的新闻报道,才勉强没有睡着。到了Q&A时间,我发现他们其实有时后都是答非所问。我的video production老师,也是个导演,最近也在准备拍一部电影。刚才在发问时,他似乎没有得到他满意的答案,我们都看得出来,其实他蛮失望的。所以,在这里还是别提到那两个中国导演是谁好了,免得我得罪人家。=P