Thursday, December 24, 2009



So these are the happenings during this xmas season XD

firstly, went to sing K with T03 peeps at katong there cos it's cheap compared to kbox? that's what they said, i never went sing k before so i don't really know.. well, im kinda shy when im in there, didn't really sang alot of songs, about 3 songs in total? but it's ok it's fun to hear them sing too, it's the experience that i want haha, maybe the next time i'll fang4 kai1 yi1 dian3? after k-ing, went bugis to meet up with secondary sch clique. yeah, seriously long time no see and so we went for dinner and had a little chat after that. we decided to meet up again the next day for gift exchange and also we went cycling at ECP. woohoo it's tiring but fun, im so proud of myself for cycling from ECP to Changi Beach (it's about 20km? o.o).. oh oh and i find that my cycling skills did improve haha! i can start my bike without much restarting and im much stable when cycling too hehheh :D well most importantly, we got to know how we're doing recently.

secondly, it's the T03 xmas dinner + gift exchange woohoo~! nice dinner indeed with butter crabs and chilli crabs and black pepper crabs... ... haha! after a delicious meal, we went arcade-ing and pool-ing. yeah, i found out that my pool skills didn't improve at all, no strength, miss aiming balls... but nevermind, i still had fun! lazy post photos here, so if want check out the photos? go fb and see haha..

lastly, the upcoming Cute Means Cute (it means CMC la haha ;D) xmas dinner~! qi dai-ing~! XD

oh and and im going back cchms next week haha, so long never go back liao, i miss my sch so much =X yeah, going back for guides camp, going to meet up with those old guides mates and jr., it's gonna be fun i suppose :D

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