Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 more weeks till school holiday!!!

whooo~ so long never post liao haha!

yepp 3 more weeks till school holidays and so im getting rather busy with the assignments lately, so many assignments to hand in in the next 2 weeks *sigh* the teachers very li hai la~ put all the deadline cram together~! *sigh* then after CNY need to prepare for MEDCUS exam, but lucky 1 paper only, then after that im FREEEEE~! hahahah~!

im going off to Run For Lunch a charity run oraganized by NP HMS. As volunteers, i need to go to ECP early in the morning at 3/4am, *sigh* gonna be a sleepness night i guess, cos' before that still got briefing tonight, then plus staying overnight in sch, confirm can't sleep de.. nevermind, hope that it's fun yeah!

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