Sunday, March 16, 2008

^@^ !@! #@#

i shall post abt friday's outing wif jas,jq n ss.. went to kallang leisure park to catch the movie---step up 2.. went subway for lunch first.. step up 2 is nice, like it^^ got nice music, dance den got some parts like quite touching, almost feel like cryin n i thought i was the only who felt like cryin, but no, only ss said tat she didnt feel tat it's touching at all.. tsk cold hearted.. ;) after the movie,we went walkin around then played wif the lift.. we went up then went down then went up again, then we finally settled down at levelB1.. i tink we look weird sittin thr, cos the pple came in look at us then entered the lift.. LOL.. so i back-faced them haha.. stoned there cos we couldnt tink of anything to talk even if there is, the conversation was short-lived.. went home around 7pm.. the mrt was really crowded cos i couldnt even step into the train.. had to wait for the next one, then the next mrt came in less then a min.! -.- though it's still crowded it's still better then the first.. reached home at 8pm.. woah, it took me 1hr to reach home zzz.. it's ok, it's alright, i juz couldnt make things right, n it aint my fault coz it's up to them not me..

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