昨天中午因参加guides camp而回到中正,就有那种很熟悉的感觉,好像中学时的往事都浮现在眼前。原来我是有这么的想念中正,毕竟应该有一年没回来了吧。而且,又见到好久不见的fellow guides感觉很亲切。虽然是很累(因为 juniors nightwalk 时人手短缺,而且 guides 第一次和 NCC 合办 nightwalk,就在沟通上也出了点小问题,所以就帮忙,结果呆到凌晨4点才睡),但是还是玩得很开心(因为我们在旁吓人嘛哈哈!)。不过我发现时代真的变了,以前 nightwalk 我们都没有选择,我们就一定得参加,现在有些 juniors 他们怕,就在还没开始走就已经退出了,有些第一个 station 就放弃了。
现在就说说中正的变化,篮球场和排球场都拆了,即将重建,D&T block 也在装修,lockers 都换新的了,椅子也是换成全塑料的,桌子也盖了个 plastic cover 好像是要防止学生在桌上涂鸦。 最酷的是学校将采用用 fingerprint 的那种 security machine 来纪录学生的出席率!
昨天在去 guides camp 之前,radio production 老师带我们到mediacorp radio station 参观,我觉得整个感觉蛮酷的,可以现场看 DJ 在值班。所以呢,昨天看到了 958DJ 德明、933DJ Jia Fa、987DJ shan wee,daniel ong,justin ang,mr young,还有一个女的,可是我认不出她是谁 =X 最后,谢谢老师请我们喝饮料! =D
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
So these are the happenings during this xmas season XD
firstly, went to sing K with T03 peeps at katong there cos it's cheap compared to kbox? that's what they said, i never went sing k before so i don't really know.. well, im kinda shy when im in there, didn't really sang alot of songs, about 3 songs in total? but it's ok it's fun to hear them sing too, it's the experience that i want haha, maybe the next time i'll fang4 kai1 yi1 dian3? after k-ing, went bugis to meet up with secondary sch clique. yeah, seriously long time no see and so we went for dinner and had a little chat after that. we decided to meet up again the next day for gift exchange and also we went cycling at ECP. woohoo it's tiring but fun, im so proud of myself for cycling from ECP to Changi Beach (it's about 20km? o.o).. oh oh and i find that my cycling skills did improve haha! i can start my bike without much restarting and im much stable when cycling too hehheh :D well most importantly, we got to know how we're doing recently.
secondly, it's the T03 xmas dinner + gift exchange woohoo~! nice dinner indeed with butter crabs and chilli crabs and black pepper crabs... ... haha! after a delicious meal, we went arcade-ing and pool-ing. yeah, i found out that my pool skills didn't improve at all, no strength, miss aiming balls... but nevermind, i still had fun! lazy post photos here, so if want check out the photos? go fb and see haha..
lastly, the upcoming Cute Means Cute (it means CMC la haha ;D) xmas dinner~! qi dai-ing~! XD
oh and and im going back cchms next week haha, so long never go back liao, i miss my sch so much =X yeah, going back for guides camp, going to meet up with those old guides mates and jr., it's gonna be fun i suppose :D
So these are the happenings during this xmas season XD
firstly, went to sing K with T03 peeps at katong there cos it's cheap compared to kbox? that's what they said, i never went sing k before so i don't really know.. well, im kinda shy when im in there, didn't really sang alot of songs, about 3 songs in total? but it's ok it's fun to hear them sing too, it's the experience that i want haha, maybe the next time i'll fang4 kai1 yi1 dian3? after k-ing, went bugis to meet up with secondary sch clique. yeah, seriously long time no see and so we went for dinner and had a little chat after that. we decided to meet up again the next day for gift exchange and also we went cycling at ECP. woohoo it's tiring but fun, im so proud of myself for cycling from ECP to Changi Beach (it's about 20km? o.o).. oh oh and i find that my cycling skills did improve haha! i can start my bike without much restarting and im much stable when cycling too hehheh :D well most importantly, we got to know how we're doing recently.
secondly, it's the T03 xmas dinner + gift exchange woohoo~! nice dinner indeed with butter crabs and chilli crabs and black pepper crabs... ... haha! after a delicious meal, we went arcade-ing and pool-ing. yeah, i found out that my pool skills didn't improve at all, no strength, miss aiming balls... but nevermind, i still had fun! lazy post photos here, so if want check out the photos? go fb and see haha..
lastly, the upcoming Cute Means Cute (it means CMC la haha ;D) xmas dinner~! qi dai-ing~! XD
oh and and im going back cchms next week haha, so long never go back liao, i miss my sch so much =X yeah, going back for guides camp, going to meet up with those old guides mates and jr., it's gonna be fun i suppose :D
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
CMC T03 ‘穿校服去NP’日!
Friday, December 11, 2009
late for school...
Yes, as the title stated, I was late for school this morning. It's my 1st time being late lor =( I didn't do it purposely, I just forgot that lesson was supposed to start at 10am, I thought it was 11am. I must thank jia min for telling me that lesson start at 10, if not I'll be an hour late and not half and hour. I was eating breakfast in front of my mac, checking facebook, and it was 9 at that time. Luckily, i commented on facebook and she got me enlightened that lesson is not at 11. Lol, I rushed out immediately and it was 9.20. That explains why I reached school only at 10.30. Malu manz~ *sigh*
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
2009年对我来说可以说是非常精彩的一年,因为我第一次有机会踏近摄影棚、有机会参加不同的media related events、学到了许多和媒体相关的知识,而且也认识了一群非常可爱的朋友和同学[哈哈,因为Cute Means Cute (CMC) 嘛~]。我真的真的没有后悔进这个课系。
今天整个CMC去了Asian Civilisation Museum 听一个有关于中国电影的seminar,是请到了两位中国的导演。其实,有大部分时间我不是很明白他在说什么,因为我对中华电影不是很了解,所以对我来说是蛮闷的。不过,因为听完了seminar老师要我们写关于这seminar的新闻报道,才勉强没有睡着。到了Q&A时间,我发现他们其实有时后都是答非所问。我的video production老师,也是个导演,最近也在准备拍一部电影。刚才在发问时,他似乎没有得到他满意的答案,我们都看得出来,其实他蛮失望的。所以,在这里还是别提到那两个中国导演是谁好了,免得我得罪人家。=P
Sunday, November 01, 2009
2 weeks into 2nd sem
it's been 2 weeks since school reopened, and im just starting to get busy in school. Projects coming up, individual assignments and extra events that i volunteered to participate in as helpers (because of cca points la duh~!), it's gonna be a busy month.
well, web design is interesting but dreamweaver is complicated, let's just hope that i can master dreamweaver, and maybe i can design my own blogskin next time :) Next, radio production is interesting, so far i've learnt how to use audacity to edit audios. it's not difficult learning how to use this software but the process of editing is tiring and it requires lots of patience 'cos you've to listen and listen to the same thing again and again then find the right place to cut it. At the end of the day, that person's voice will just keep repeating in your head. Besides that, i've learnt that my voice does sound different when in recordings, but i find it ok. the teacher said we must learn to like our own voice, before wanting our listeners to like our voices. I shall start liking my voice from now =)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
hais... 开学的第二天就遇到了不如意的事,我在学校跌倒了,结果扭伤了脚。都是因为我没有留意到那个死人路堤,结果失足就扭到了。:( 现在不怎么痛了,但还是有点肿。唔~ 伤心... ...
今天除了走路一拐一拐的,都过的蛮愉快的。刚才下午的时候,在UniSIM庆祝了Sherrill的生日。嘉敏可说是很细心而且也有耐性,因为她花了两个多小时包礼物,而且是用tissue box 和报纸来包。报纸就包了十七层!她说因为十七岁生日嘛!我们就在那里看Sherrill一直一层一层的斯开报纸,结果我们看了都觉得:哇!怎么还没看到礼物啊?!这时Joanna 就说:“哎呀!你应该给 Hui Si 斯嘛,因为她很‘会斯’!” 我们听了都笑翻了!
过后,下一节课我们迟到了大概十五分钟,不过那老师自己说准许我们迟到的!因为刚才午休时间,他和一些T02的同学一起吃午餐,然后叫他们跟我们几个T03的说。其实,也不知道他是不是在开玩笑 lol.. 他是我们这学期的Written communication in English(WRITC) 的老师,所以才跟我们见一次面就要和我们一起共餐了,未免太friendly了吧。可能他只是想要和我们拉进距离吧。
说到WRITC,就让我想起大概也有一年没有上英文课了吧,所以现在要加把劲。现在只剩web design 和 radio production 了,还蛮期待会从中学到什么。
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
<3 square design/prints/pattern
i've decided on something. that is to write in both chinese and english in this blog haha! well, that is to say, i write in english for this post, then i'll write in chinese for the next post. great idea in training to become a bilingual person eh haha ;P
back to topic, I'M IN LOVE WITH SQUARE DESIGN/PATTERN/PRINTS (whatever you call it)!!! yep, i like my shirts/pants/shoes/bags with squares :) heheh i very happy that i just bought a backpack with my fav squares, also bought a necklace and a bracelet, suteki desu! :)
Friday, October 09, 2009
CMC 1T01 Chalet!
im back from the 1st 1T01 class chalet! though it's called 'class chalet' but not even half the class attended the bbq and only 7 people stayed over, sad case, but i still enjoyed my 1 night stay ^^ guess how much money we spent on bbq stuffs and food? well... it's about $170++! pro right! only 9 people eating the food (which was mostly tibits haha we're afraid of getting hungry in the middle of the night).. after a hard time of setting up the fire and finishing our bbq dinner, we started playing card games incl. 'monopoly deal' and 'tai di' and gossiping too to keep us awake throughout the night. and we wanted to catch the moment of sunrise but due to miscalculations of the timing, we missed it =( but, the morning sea/park//beach (i dunno lah) scenery was nice =) due to the lack of sleep last night, after bathing, everyone went for a quick nap before checking out. in the end, we ended up eating brunch, and after brunch we went to the arcade at white sands, and wow we play until v.'high' sia, like the sleepiness gone like that.
awww~ im gonna miss 1T01... ... :(
Sunday, October 04, 2009
yep we intended to surprise jiamin on her bday, but in the end i think it didnt really work out haha.. in the morning, weewee and huimin went to surprise the bday girl at her doorstep but it appeared that jiamin spotted weewee at the door before they could actually shout 'surprise!' and sing a bday song for her haha.. then they were to meet me, joanna and sherrill at marina square, yuki yaki.. and we intended to jump out from a hidden corner outside yuki yaki and surprise her, but it failed again cos they walked from behind us lol.. though it's not my 1st time eating yuki yaki but it's my 1st time eating the DIY ice cream and it's so fun haha! we were like making popiah, mee jian kuei like that lol..
after a very full lunch, we went to ah bob lao shi's photo exhibition at Old School 2902 Gallery (it's near doby ghaut la).. really nice photo works :)
next we're off to bugis for a shopping spree, but it was mostly jiamin who did the shopping lol.. but i also got 'shou1 huo4' ok! we bought our 1st clique tee yay haha! it's a tee with the word 'emo' printed in front.. we're planning to wear it to sch together on the 1st day of sem2 cos we're feeling very 'emo' that we 'fen1 ban1' le! haha jkjk.. i wonder how the others would react when they see us wearing the same tee haha! ;P
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
经过了四个多月的相处,我们分班了!TT.TT 真的好舍不得,T01 我会想念我们一起赶deadline的时光、一起玩得尽兴的时光。记得中学时也有经历过分班,可是感觉上没有现在那么感伤。可能是现在的班,人少吧,大家比较容易相处。也可能是poly比较多project,有机会和不同的人作project,久而久之大家的感情就这样建立了吧。
还记得当初因为我不爱说话的个性,我还怕交不到朋友而且能不能融入这班,不过也就因为project让我结交了三个很好的朋友。虽然有一位下学期和我不同班了,但是我相信我们之间的友情不会变淡,我们还是要一起work hard, play hard!
还记得当初因为我不爱说话的个性,我还怕交不到朋友而且能不能融入这班,不过也就因为project让我结交了三个很好的朋友。虽然有一位下学期和我不同班了,但是我相信我们之间的友情不会变淡,我们还是要一起work hard, play hard!
Monday, August 31, 2009
just venting my fustrations here.
don't try to read it if you can't. i did this purposely.
i need somewhere for me to vent my fustrations, that's why im here.
im sad, im angry, i feel like crying now, but should i blame myself for not asking in the first place? what if i did asked? would it make a difference?
they didn't ask. i don't know im sadded or angry by this fact. i think i knew why. though we always seems to be together but im never really part of them, im not close to them. and i think i know why. my personality is the answer. too quiet people always say. i don't know why im like that. im trying to change.
i miss those times. and you, promise to go out together k?
i need somewhere for me to vent my fustrations, that's why im here.
im sad, im angry, i feel like crying now, but should i blame myself for not asking in the first place? what if i did asked? would it make a difference?
they didn't ask. i don't know im sadded or angry by this fact. i think i knew why. though we always seems to be together but im never really part of them, im not close to them. and i think i know why. my personality is the answer. too quiet people always say. i don't know why im like that. im trying to change.
i miss those times. and you, promise to go out together k?
Monday, July 20, 2009
a busy weekend
i was almost late for school in the morning just now lol.. lessons start at 11am, i woke up at 10am.. i did set my alarm ok! i set it to ring at 8am, but i think i too sleepy ring already didnt press snooze, i press off -.- ... i rushed off to school, and i reached there just in time lol.. and the tchr havent even start lesson yet.. well the reason why i was so tired was because of the recording sessions at mediacorp... and plus, it's the most eventful wkn ever..
saturday afternoon went to dragonfly@st james power station to participate in the launch of the CLing website.. as our PM was the guest-of-honour, the security was v.tight, we had to go thru the metal detector then had to search bags.. this event so so only la, can get quite bored cause the guest there are xu huan liang, lee si song, xiao han, diya, then just sit there hear them talk.. the live band performance by 'ang moh pai' made me abit not sian cause lin qi yu's singing not bad.. then after that rushed to mediacorp for the chinese version of 'dont forget the lyrics' (wo yao chang xia qu) recording.. when i step into the recording studio i was like 'woah, so cool' cos i 1st time step into tv studio, then plus after the visual comm. video production lesson, i was like noticing every detail of how they film.. the programme host is zeng guo cheng, 1st time seeing him in person, up close somemore lol.. we were sitting facing him at the beginning of the recording, then later we were asked to sit facing his back that means we were facing the camera too.. then sit there dunno got 'pai dao' anot lol.. -.- then must do alot of actions when the contestant sing.. oh ya the contestant on that night not v.gd de lo! like sing until 3rd round the 3 'zhi yuan' use finish alr, so he 'die' after 3 rounds which is $5000, then another one worse, 'die' after 2 rounds -.- and the recording ended around 11.30pm! u know y? cos before the contestant rly start singing they have to test the key 1st, then when they choose song to sing also spend super long time, then before they lock in the lyrics also spend v.long time.. now then i understand doing tv recordings is a rly tiring job, v. 'pei fu' the host, crew and mostly the ppl doing editing, cos they must be doing editing until v.'can'.. cos so late alr no more mrt service have to take cab, haiz heart pain sia, spent 8bucks on cab fare..
sunday afternoon rush poster cum broshure project until evening, then rush down to mediacorp for the recording again.. lucky that night's contestant better lo, got 1 girl she got $200,000 u know!!! then another guy, got $15,000, but then he v.suay also cos when he was competing $25,000, computer got prob, cos that time alr like 11 plus alr, then the 'zhi zuo dan wei' like ask him to 'fang qi' lo.. then we were like 'huh unfair to him leh'..no choice lur, if he dont give up then we have to stay with him until 12 lol.. this ep we were sitting at 1st row facing cam again cos we wanted to like shake hands with the host cos he did so on sat after the recording, but then he didnt, we were like -.- wasted.. but then nvm la, wonderful experience of participating in a tv recording, got to see a taiwanese host up close (:
so ppl rmb to catch this new show on ch8 tues 8pm, i think will start airing after natl day.. lol im like helping them to do 'xuan chuan'..
saturday afternoon went to dragonfly@st james power station to participate in the launch of the CLing website.. as our PM was the guest-of-honour, the security was v.tight, we had to go thru the metal detector then had to search bags.. this event so so only la, can get quite bored cause the guest there are xu huan liang, lee si song, xiao han, diya, then just sit there hear them talk.. the live band performance by 'ang moh pai' made me abit not sian cause lin qi yu's singing not bad.. then after that rushed to mediacorp for the chinese version of 'dont forget the lyrics' (wo yao chang xia qu) recording.. when i step into the recording studio i was like 'woah, so cool' cos i 1st time step into tv studio, then plus after the visual comm. video production lesson, i was like noticing every detail of how they film.. the programme host is zeng guo cheng, 1st time seeing him in person, up close somemore lol.. we were sitting facing him at the beginning of the recording, then later we were asked to sit facing his back that means we were facing the camera too.. then sit there dunno got 'pai dao' anot lol.. -.- then must do alot of actions when the contestant sing.. oh ya the contestant on that night not v.gd de lo! like sing until 3rd round the 3 'zhi yuan' use finish alr, so he 'die' after 3 rounds which is $5000, then another one worse, 'die' after 2 rounds -.- and the recording ended around 11.30pm! u know y? cos before the contestant rly start singing they have to test the key 1st, then when they choose song to sing also spend super long time, then before they lock in the lyrics also spend v.long time.. now then i understand doing tv recordings is a rly tiring job, v. 'pei fu' the host, crew and mostly the ppl doing editing, cos they must be doing editing until v.'can'.. cos so late alr no more mrt service have to take cab, haiz heart pain sia, spent 8bucks on cab fare..
sunday afternoon rush poster cum broshure project until evening, then rush down to mediacorp for the recording again.. lucky that night's contestant better lo, got 1 girl she got $200,000 u know!!! then another guy, got $15,000, but then he v.suay also cos when he was competing $25,000, computer got prob, cos that time alr like 11 plus alr, then the 'zhi zuo dan wei' like ask him to 'fang qi' lo.. then we were like 'huh unfair to him leh'..no choice lur, if he dont give up then we have to stay with him until 12 lol.. this ep we were sitting at 1st row facing cam again cos we wanted to like shake hands with the host cos he did so on sat after the recording, but then he didnt, we were like -.- wasted.. but then nvm la, wonderful experience of participating in a tv recording, got to see a taiwanese host up close (:
so ppl rmb to catch this new show on ch8 tues 8pm, i think will start airing after natl day.. lol im like helping them to do 'xuan chuan'..
Thursday, July 02, 2009
here's a post of my life
ok i shall post something about how's my life recently, because finally got something interesting to post about. school holidays already bombarded with assignments, now sch reopen bombarded with more assignments and projects argh!!! and so decided to take a breather from work and went to zhang zhi cheng's yin yue hui today at NP. not that i like him ok, i dont even know his songs -.- i just wanted to experience how a xiao yuan yin yue hui is like.
2 v.funny incidents happened during the yin yue hui just now.. we walked to the backdoor of the LT then saw the sign "no unauthorized personnel" (sth like that ba), then 1 of my classmates tried to open the door wondering if we could just enter from there, and we realised the door was not locked. just then she slammed the door, we were like ' what happened?!' lol, then she said ' i saw zhang zhi cheng he's inside!' we laugh until like siao manz.. rofl.. super malu haha! then there's supposedly VIP tickets but then when we went in, my classmates who had VIP tickets were seated at the 3rd row, but we were seated at the 1st row lol! well, yeah VIP huh~ uh huh well my 1st time concert can get so clear view of the singer lol..
then after the yin yue hui, on the way out of sch, we saw the yes933 van parked along the road, we agreed to stand there and see if the DJ, xiao jia hui (she's the host) had gone home alr anot (we were hoping to take a pic with her), in the end we took a pic with the van haha cos we found out later she went back alr. abit disapponted la.. but overall a fun night (:
2 v.funny incidents happened during the yin yue hui just now.. we walked to the backdoor of the LT then saw the sign "no unauthorized personnel" (sth like that ba), then 1 of my classmates tried to open the door wondering if we could just enter from there, and we realised the door was not locked. just then she slammed the door, we were like ' what happened?!' lol, then she said ' i saw zhang zhi cheng he's inside!' we laugh until like siao manz.. rofl.. super malu haha! then there's supposedly VIP tickets but then when we went in, my classmates who had VIP tickets were seated at the 3rd row, but we were seated at the 1st row lol! well, yeah VIP huh~ uh huh well my 1st time concert can get so clear view of the singer lol..
then after the yin yue hui, on the way out of sch, we saw the yes933 van parked along the road, we agreed to stand there and see if the DJ, xiao jia hui (she's the host) had gone home alr anot (we were hoping to take a pic with her), in the end we took a pic with the van haha cos we found out later she went back alr. abit disapponted la.. but overall a fun night (:
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
a post to revive this dead blog =P
courtesy of xiao gui's blog
xiao gui's gonna come out with a new EP! woo~ im excited haha, just heard one of his new songs yesterday and it sounds great, i feel so 'high' after listening to his song '鬼打墙'. this song sounds quite different from his previous EP '鬼混' though both songs belong to the rock category. '鬼打墙' have a more 'sunshine feel' to it. it seems like im helping him to promote his songs haha =P should i buy his EP when it appears in stores in s'pore? well, if it's available in CD Rama maybe i could use the free $30 voucher i got from the ngee ann pri camp haha! actually it depends on the price la, if not too ex then i'll consider buying it.
wow! so long never update this dead blog, now im reviving it with a post dedicated to xiao gui and not a post about my life now lol... =P
Friday, May 29, 2009
ai ya.. i should blog yesterday de.. but nvm, firstly i wan to thank all my frenz for wishing me happy bday yesterday especially sihua haha, for being the 1st one (happy anot, sihua? haha).. oh and it's my 1st time got a grp of classmates sing happy bday song for me in sch, im touched *sniffs* thanks ah (:
Monday, May 25, 2009
a month in NP le!!!
im here to revive my dead blog haha.. Time really flies so fast, it's been a month in NP! i guess im coping quite well there.. now, work is slowly comin in, assignments, projects.. hope i can complete them in time.. haiz.. i think my bad habit of not talkin much still hasnt changed.. i havent really like make a gd fren, but i hope tat as time passes by i'll fang4 kai1 abit haha let them c a 'high' me haha.. 3more days, yeah *hint hint* lol.. (: but then tat day got sch sadded.. nvm im still qi1 dai4---ing haha (:
Monday, April 20, 2009
1st day of sch @ NP
lesson starts at 11am today but i actually reached sch 45mins before (i scared i late for class haha), and so i just sat there and stoned for 45mins lol.. 1st day of sch was okaayy.. like the usual stuffs, intro urself, intro on the modules we would be learning.. lunch time was quite troublesome, we couldnt find a seat at the makan place (which is the biggest canteen in NP) and so we left, wanting to go to the other canteens but later realised that we couldnt find our way, so we went back to the makan place again.. then we decided to 'da bao' and eat outside but just as we 'da bao-ed' our food and paid an extra 20cents for the plastic container, we found a seat.. arghh wasted my 20cents lol..
looking forward to tmr's lessons(visual comm., speech n presentation), which same as today end at 6pm (whew tiring, i still have to rush to jap lesson at 7pm after that)..
looking forward to tmr's lessons(visual comm., speech n presentation), which same as today end at 6pm (whew tiring, i still have to rush to jap lesson at 7pm after that)..
Friday, April 17, 2009
>.< >o< (: (;
yayye im back from hms camp! it's quite a fun camp but it can get quite tiring.. why? because of all the walking around the HUGE campus! there's alot of slopes n staircases to climb.. so now im recovering from muscle pains haha.. before the camp i thought we would be sleeping in classrooms n havin cold baths, but we got to stay in 'the loft' which is a housin area owned by NP for foreign lecturers n students to live in.. woah the apartment v.nice sia, got aircon, got fridge, got washing machine, got beds, just one thing it doesn't have--- a tv haha.. then got 2 bathrms some more, so no need to wait v.long until it's ur turn to bathe.. oh ya im in house walla n sub grp woohaa, n we rawk! had a great time with my enthu n funny grp members n of course the wonderful GLs (:
im so lookin forward to sch reopening nxt mon.! hope that i'll not get lost in sch on my 1st day haha..
im so lookin forward to sch reopening nxt mon.! hope that i'll not get lost in sch on my 1st day haha..
Thursday, April 09, 2009
today went back to cchms with sihua.. when i reach sch, i tio shock, it's so quiet! i think sch today half day also dunno y, so can someone tell me y got half day? so the whole sch is like v.empty, even staff rm also empty, we wanted to find ms k but can't find her haiz.. oh and i met meow meow also haha.. later went to airport de swensens for lunch.. so here are the pics for today (:

im standing in the middle of the parade square, come come book me haha..
im standing in the middle of the parade square, come come book me haha..
Friday, March 13, 2009
0.0 -.- ??
this is my 1st post usin my newly bought Macbook haha.. went back to NP on wed. to buy a Macbook cos my course compulsory need to use.. now im tryin to familarise myself wif Mac.. after i bought my macbk, i went to buy a drink frm the foodcourt in the campus.. the drink stall auntie v.funny, i said i wanted a watermelon mix wif papaya juice n she said, ' ni hen xiao zhi leh( i tink she doesnt believe im a poly student), huh watermelon can papaya hao he meh? kan qi lai guai guai de..' err ok u can go try 1 cup urself it's rly v.nice to drink de n thnks for ur compliment for sayin i look younger then my age.. -.-''
hmm.. on mon., was my 1st time i did telephone survey, this job was quite interesting la.. the ppl who ans my calls some r v.friendly.. i rmb got 1 auntie when she ans my call she sounded so frustrated lol, she said, 'wat do u want?! r u sellin or wat?! u sound like a 12 yr old to me so wat do u want?!' lol ok i didnt know i sounded so young zzz.. so i said, 'uh.. im 17, yes im 17(she sounded like she doesnt believe me) n i juz wanted to do a v.short survey'.. she replied, 'better be quick ar, im cookin!' oh so no wonder she sounded so frustrated n so i rushed thru the qns.. this was the most memorable call of day for me..
lol y does almost everyone when they saw me they'll say,' u in sec sch now?' im like err.. im a poly student alr.. ok i can only blame myself for havin a childish look n lookin so small size.. thnk u all for sayin i look younger then my age i'll try my best to put on weight -.-''
hmm.. on mon., was my 1st time i did telephone survey, this job was quite interesting la.. the ppl who ans my calls some r v.friendly.. i rmb got 1 auntie when she ans my call she sounded so frustrated lol, she said, 'wat do u want?! r u sellin or wat?! u sound like a 12 yr old to me so wat do u want?!' lol ok i didnt know i sounded so young zzz.. so i said, 'uh.. im 17, yes im 17(she sounded like she doesnt believe me) n i juz wanted to do a v.short survey'.. she replied, 'better be quick ar, im cookin!' oh so no wonder she sounded so frustrated n so i rushed thru the qns.. this was the most memorable call of day for me..
lol y does almost everyone when they saw me they'll say,' u in sec sch now?' im like err.. im a poly student alr.. ok i can only blame myself for havin a childish look n lookin so small size.. thnk u all for sayin i look younger then my age i'll try my best to put on weight -.-''
Monday, March 09, 2009
yay finally thr's something for me to post about ^^ the e-awards last sat was not bad, lucky it stopped raining around 5sth if not i would b soaked wet haha.. the queue entering the floating platform was super long but luckily i entered before the actual show started haha.. the show's 1st few hrs were quite boring like nth much cos it's juz some local bands performing.. wait until so long then my fav idol JJ's turn to perform.. it's sooo great to hear him sing n perform 'live'! then after that muz wait v.long again cos show luo perform in finale.. i feel so 'high' seeing him on stage sing n dance, he's soooo great woohoo! haha =D ahhh! i soo regret forgetting to bring my mum's camera to snap pics, haiz so have to make do with my hp's camera which the quality of the photos are so sucky.. =( well.. i still enjoyed my nite thr, it's a wonderful experience seeing my fav idols perform 'live' for the 1st time in my 16 yrs ;D
Thursday, February 19, 2009
^-^ ^.^ +-+ +.+ '-' '.'
this blog is damn dead haha, so i've decided to revive it hehheh.. almost everyone i know is at jc now, studying, and im still 'vegetating' at home zz.. so, i've finally signed up for a jap basic course to fill my time ( yay me :] ) and thanks to my aunt, i've found a temp job (data entry) too! yay so i'll no longer be complaining 'so sian' and irritate my mum who is currently recovering frm a broken bone at home ;) hope she gets well real soon..
my temp job place is at SPH, where i've to input survey data.. it can get quite sian at times but i can earn some $$ so it's not tat bad.. jap lesson is quite fun, i learnt convo n writing as well.. let me show off some of the things i've learnt here haha.. konichiwa! hajimemashite? dozo yoroshiku onegaimashita! (gd afternoon! how do u do? nice to meet u!) n lastly jaa mata sayonara! ( c u gd bye!) ;)
my temp job place is at SPH, where i've to input survey data.. it can get quite sian at times but i can earn some $$ so it's not tat bad.. jap lesson is quite fun, i learnt convo n writing as well.. let me show off some of the things i've learnt here haha.. konichiwa! hajimemashite? dozo yoroshiku onegaimashita! (gd afternoon! how do u do? nice to meet u!) n lastly jaa mata sayonara! ( c u gd bye!) ;)
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